It’s A New Day & Anything Is Possible

There’s nothing like an early morning visit to the Gauley River. Tonight’s Feature Image was actually taken in the Fall. The crisp morning air feels clean and new on my face as I make my way across the painted sandstone pebbles. The smell of wood smoke fills the valley as the locals begin to stoke their stoves to take the chill out of their houses. Upstream the sun is just about to break over the mountains giving the morning fog a golden glow. With my coffee in one hand and my camera in the other I wander along the landing enjoying the sound of the river lapping against the stones. It’s a new day and anything is possible. On this particular day there was no day job to call me away from the peaceful setting so I took my time to watch the minnows play in calm pools near the edges. The occasional flicker of a tree limb alerts me to the presence of squirrels in the opposite side of the river. I found a rock that was large enough and dry enough to be my seat for the morning’s main show as the sun rises sleepily over the distant ridge. Those fist golden rays sweep steadily across the landscape until they wash over my face. I breathe in the new energy and think to myself “Anything is possible indeed.”

As we head into the New Year let me encourage you to take the opportunity to revitalize yourself and commit to a new start. It’s a new day and a new year. Let the past fade away like an echo on the river and be renewed for possibilities ahead.

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Tonight’s Feature Image is titled “The Gauley River Awakens” and is available for purchase by usingthe Contact Form on my website. ( just click on the the bell below)

(Note, I do not share or sell contact information. EVER)

4X6 is $5.00

5X7 is $10.00

8X10 is $15.00

Some cropping may be necessary for certain sizes.

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I’m also available for portraits by appointment. Use the Contact Form or message me on Facebook for details.

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