Tears Of The Rose

Hello friends! Tonight’s feature image is titled “Tears Of The Rose” and is available for purchase by the instructions at the bottom of the article.

The gray sky continued to drizzle rain into the mountains throughout most of the Fall. As I softly tread the wet ground the rose hips catch my eye. The raindrops hang like tiny crystals catching the light of sun.

The longer I looked the more they resembled Christmas decorations. Rose hips were popular winter decor in Victorian times. Especially in rural areas where fine blown glass was not as easy to come by and in a time when plastic decorations were less prevalent if they even existed. ( officially, plastic was invented in 1907 but wasn’t widely used until the 1960s).

Trimming the tree and brightening up the home was a family activity. Instead of a wreath made of plastic pine needles real evergreens were hand crafted fresh every year with the process being a bonding experience. Embellishments often included the bright red berries of roses, harvested nuts and various other fruits. The shared life experience with friends and family was part of the gift and not just the acquisition of stuff.

It comes to mind now that perhaps the droplets that hand so delicately from the red berries are tears. Perhaps the rose misses taking it’s place in the celebration and the families that brought it into their homes for the holidays.

We live in a world where the wonders of technology enables us to do things that our ancestors couldn’t even comprehend. Don’t let it take away from the experience of life. Do things together.

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