Quiet Time

Do you ever wonder where all the great thinkers are today? The inventors, philosophers and problem solvers? Who are the real world leaders? I think I have an answer. They are you. You are the greatest resource on planet Earth. You, the individual. The human mind is the only known creation on planet Earth with the ability to reason beyond the moment. You have the capacity to dream and to forge that dream into a reality. Sure some are more skilled at different forms of creativity than others but that’s a measure of quality not capacity. As a human, you are singularly able to change your world to suit your vision. That’s why quite time is so important. You generate your visions in those times when you can get away from the noise of all the other voices in the world and have free thought. It’s how you sweep away the clutter of the mind and bring dreams into focus to obtain that clear vision.

The featured image is one such place where I like to go. It’s a spot on the Gauley River just below Summersville Dam. As the water pours out of overflow tunnels it forms class six rapids and the roaring river blocks out the noisy world. This is birthplace of many dreams and a refuge for a busy mind.

10 thoughts on “Quiet Time

  1. Loved the answer to the opening question!

    More often than not, people forget, and some, don’t even realize during their entire lifetimes, that the last pieces of all their puzzles, are they themselves… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Only Lloyd can pull it off as inspiring as this. Like I said before, your wisdom is what makes you a great writer. And your talent with photography adds color to it, that makes you stand out among the rest. I couldn’t agree more to this. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

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