Morning Coffee

Pictured above is the trestle bridge at Gauley Bridge West Virginia. The Gauley River was peaceful and calm when I stopped at the convenience store to top off my morning coffee. You can see the last pylon from the old bridge still standing in the water.

Once part of American Civil War the remnant of the old bridge now imparts a peaceful feeling as I look out over the cool green water. Just beyond the trestle is the point where the Gauley River meets the New River to form the Kanawha River. The flat water seems to be popular with kayak enthusiasts who paddle up stream to relax on some large flat rocks and play in the shallows. The place always seems to give me nice reflection for my lens as well. After taking a few deep breaths I pulled myself away from the urge to call off work and headed back onto the highway slightly heartbroken due to leaving such a peaceful scene.

24 thoughts on “Morning Coffee

  1. Wow! Just wow! A view like this would make me want to spend the whole morning just observing and inhaling the beauty of it. I totally understand why it’s heartbreaking to not be able to see this longer! I myself have fallen in love just by the photo eh! What more when you see it for real 😳😍

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  2. Wow. I can’t say much about American politics, or any country’s politics at this point, but the US sure knows how to construct bridges. Our best one is Tower Bridge, the blue is striking, a pure bright blue, fortunately I only live a few minutes away! Lol.

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      1. Oh that’s so interesting, I’m a left leaning centrist but in the UK, hardly anyone votes for Liberal Democrat’s so I have to vote for Labour.

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      2. Lol, maybe, I think that would be true for most people. Although, I did a test on libertarianism and I was told to stay away from you guys because our views are so opposite. XD

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      3. I think most people want to solve the same problems but can’t agree on how. There’s also the divide and conquer aspects of the establishment that doesn’t want people to come together outside of establishment control. ( just a thought)


      4. I don’t know, I think libertarianism would provide too much power to the individual and the scales of justice would topple over without the social collective. As I’m more a centrist, I’m more moderate in my views and therefore seek to find a balance. Individuality left unchecked without some governmental control could be dangerous and it is largely dependent on the quality of the individuals subjective ideals. Society cannot be without dictates but as Dr Seuss rightly said in Oh, The Places You’ll Go if an individual feels they don’t fit into that society, then they can leave society (physically as well) and live by their own rules. However, the world is large and travellers are many and should a member of society choose to explore terrain unfamiliar that belongs to the libertarian, their safety would be dependent on the libertarian.

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      5. Well, if you go to the extreme in anything it’s not good.
        The U.S. constitution was supposed to put more limits on government than the individual.
        That’s where the Non Aggression Principle comes into play. An individual has the right to do pretty much anything as long as it doesn’t interfere with the rights of another individual. Sometimes, that means putting up with something that’s annoying but not really harmful. For example, where I live there’s no law that says one has to mow his grass. I have a few neighbors that let their lawn get pretty ugly. But it’s none of my building until they prevent me from mowing my property. Get the idea?

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      6. I already understand all that, that’s my main philosophy I’ve preached quite a few times already on WordPress. What I’m talking about is there are important things I don’t agree with such as the current gun control laws. I don’t agree with hunting either because my faith doesn’t permit this thankfully. While, yes, the right to carry a gun can be okay in some circumstances where the individual has the right mindset and respect for people with no intention to kill, we can’t pretend that humans are capable of a wide range of emotions and that extends to killing human beings. So, in that sense, I 100% disagree that we should even play risks like this that could endanger the lives of other human beings. Gun laws in the US are atrocious, both in the way it’s been used to harm black people and even young kids. Therefore, no, I feel like the right to possess a gun is more so a libertarian practise than it is a democratic or even humane practice.

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      7. I think a traveler would be welcomed. Libertarians are actually pretty open minded in spite of what the mainstream media says. In the U.S. most of the violence occurrs in Democratic sections. The media does a whole lot of fear mongering. Most libertarians support a lot the ideas that you blog about. Equality etc. Now, there are some ignorant people who claim to be libertarian but don’t really understand the ideas behind the movement. The media always reports about them and never talks to the rest of us.

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      8. Fair enough, I’m sure they are painted in a bad way… that’s always a possibility unfortunately. I know this is where our personal values differ because I don’t believe in hunting, it goes against my religion so I just don’t think it is just to animals. It may be so that violence is occurring in democratic sections but this is why democrats are actively campaigning against this. Those areas tend to be poorer and poverty can do horrific things where more republican sections do not have that worry which is why democrats understand better how imperative it is that we combat this.

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      9. I think that we are going in circles and not really helping each other at this point.
        In a libertarian society a person is free to choose their own lifestyle but they can’t force another to participate in it.
        Where I live there’s hardly any violence and when it does occur it’s usually a crime of passion or drug abuse. I can’t say that poverty plays a roll because we are one of poorest states in the union. Typically, are communities are close knit and when someone is struggling help is voluntary.
        I see the rise in violence as a product of atheism. The atheist answers to no higher authority and believes in no eternal consequences for negative actions.


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